Monday, May 13

Arab spring News of the day : Nov. 27, 2011

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Morocco’s Arab Spring Election Won by Islamists
ABC News
By PAUL SCHEMM AP The dominant showing by an Islamist Party in Morocco’s parliamentary elections, according to partial results, appears to be one more sign that religious-based parties are benefiting the most from the new freedoms brought by the Arab 


Arab Spring is still work in progress
Although, the Arab Spring is still in its early stages and has not come to fruition, a few facts have emerged which should be understood and built upon. The Arab world, in various ways, is still reeling from these unprecedented and tumultuous changes. 


Arab Spring Promises Bear Fruit With Elections, New Governments
The balloting was the first since pro-democracy protests began as part of the so-calledArab Spring uprisings that ousted the leaders of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. An election in Tunisia has already brought the once-banned Islamist Ennahdha party to 


The Arab Spring Revisited
International Analyst Network
For anyone who has the slightest understanding of the socio-political crises gripping the Arab Middle East today, it is clear that the “Arab Spring” is morphing into an “Arab Winter” leaving in its wake political instability, Sunni-Shiite rivalries, 


Arab Spring: Shaping a better tomorrow
Hindustan Times
Last December, Muammar Gaddafi, Hosni Mubarak, Zine Ben Ali, Ali Abdullah Saleh and Bashar Assad looked forward to spending another year as the unquestioned dictators of their Arab republics. Now, they are respectively dead, imprisoned, exiled,


The Arab Spring versus China?
Today’s Zaman
The Arab Spring is a key issue for China. How has the development of the country influenced China’s relationship with the Middle East? Is China being isolated? The early signals Beijing is seeing are very negative. From Beijing’s perspective, the Arab 


Arab League imposes Syria sanctions amid persisting violence
By DPA and Haaretz Tags: Syria Bashar Assad Arab Spring The Arab League approved a series of financial sanctions against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime on Sunday, as Arab nations step up pressure to end months of political violence in the …


Saif Gaddafi was right: we don’t know what we have unleashed in the Middle
The violence in Cairo this week and the killing of protesters by the riot police shows that William Hague’s much vaunted Arab Spring hasn’t yet sprung. The hope of spring has now given way to a much more uncertain winter. In Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and 


UAE security court sentences 5 activists for political reform calls
Washington Post
The UAE has not been hit by the Arab Spring unrest that has spread across much of the rest of the Middle East, including neighboring Bahrain. But the activists’ trial appears to reflect Abu Dhabi’s strategy of snuffing out any sign of dissent that 


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